Friday, February 23, 2007


Well, I want to post with great updates. It's been a bit of a rough week, though. I had to cancel my biz trip that was scheduled for this weekend. So, I'm really praying for my boss' support now. I'm just still having episodes. I actually went five days without any episodes. PRAISE JESUS!! Then, I had one on day 6. I had one yesterday and one this morning. So, it's a bit frustrating. I'm ready for none of these! My goal is seven days without any before I go back to work. The doc seems to think that exertion plays a role in these occurring. So, I'm trying to be careful, but at the same time, he wants me to increase my exertion so that I'm ready to get back to work (where it's exertion all day).

Ben is doing very well. He's busy searching for a full-time job right now. He mowed, cleaned his truck, etc., last weekend and feels great! So, this blog may be coming to an end since it was originally designed to update everyone on Ben.

Thank you for all of your prayers!

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