Saturday, November 18, 2006

All kinds of updates

Well, all kinds of fun stuff has occured since we started waiting yesterday for chemo to begin...

We posted that we were still waiting & then had a friend of ours from church & the adoption ministry e-mail us to let us know she was praying. I later replied to her and told her that because of the wait, we had a very special opportunity. Out of the chemo rooms, a man walked with his son that looked Korean. We got excited and kept trying to get the man's attention without attracting the son, too. We never felt comfortable enough to call him over and ask if his son was adopted. However, a few minutes later a lady came walking in with two daughters that appeared to be Chinese. The girls stopped to look at the fish tank and the lady walked toward us. So, I stopped her and told her that we were adopting a baby from S. Korea and saw her children and wondered if they were also adopted. She was such a sweet woman & both her girls are Chinese & their son (the youngest) is Korean. She said that she brought him home Christmas Eve and it was the most beautiful, amazing experience EVER! Had we gone back for chemo at the right time, we never would have met this precious family!! So, I e-mailed our friend back to tell her about meeting them & she had specifically prayed that the Lord would reveal to us why we were having to wait! Praise Him that He answers prayers & that we have friends that take the time to lift us up specifically!!

Speaking of precious friends, one of the guys from our Sunday School class came over this morning to help Ben cut down the tree in the backyard. Ben had started the process and the chainsaw he was borrowing broke. So, he had to stop halfway through the process. Andy has been over here half the morning working his tail off to help us get the tree down. Ben is having to be super careful since he just had chemo yesterday & that makes him incredibly susceptible to infection. So, he had to wear a surgical mask while he was out there. Here are pictures of their progress so far. They've just left to go to Home Depot and buy an ax so that they can get the stump out of the ground! Wow! Andy, Thank you & may the Lord bless you for loving on us and working so hard to help us today!!

Working Hard!!

BONFIRE Anyone??!!

The remaining tree stump!!

Finally, we noticed when we woke up this morning that Ben had some hair on his pillow. Then, he noticed he had some in his mouth (yucky!). So, when he went in to the bathroom this morning to straighten his hair, he put a little water on his hands and ran it through his hair...he had a handful. We assume this means the hair loss is beginning. He can tell that a few spots look like they have less hair. I asked him if he was going to get a haircut, shave it, or what? He said he didn't really know and he'd figure it out later. It's obviously not affecting him that much! Such a stud and trooper! Though a tad bit morbid, I thought this was sweet today. When we were laying in bed, fighting waking up, Ben turned to me and said that if he was to die, he wants to give his eyes to his brother. He found out this week that his brother needs a cornea transplant. So, he said he wants to make sure that Tim gets his eyes if anything happens! NOTED!! Such a sweet giving man I'm blessed to be married to....

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