Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, after 3+ years of marriage, I found out yesterday that Thanksgiving is Ben's absolute favorite! He loves Turkey & Stuffing! I've never seen so much excitement from him!! This is his favorite Thanksgiving Song! Please oblige him and view the fun!!

To back up a little bit...this has been a really rough week. After cutting down the tree, Ben exhausted himself too much. Every ounce of energy in his body needs to go toward healing and he put way too much toward cutting down the tree. So, he was flat on his back most of Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday. Yesterday, he got up and had breakfast about 10:20am. Those of you that know Ben well, know that he should be having lunch by then he wakes up so early. So, as his wife, this has been a hard week. I'm used to Ben leaving so early for school & waking me up as he's leaving. However, all weeek, I've been waking up prior to my alarm even going off and I'm out the door before he's begun to stir. It's been hard because this is the first time that we've really seen the "cancer" affect us. He's just not had any energy & was incredibly nauseated. So, NEW RULE in our house: Ben is no longer allowed to do much manual labor. It exhausts him and doesn't allow his body to fight the way it should.

I was also sick on Monday. All this craziness that we've been trying to figure out since April with me hit a peak. They originally thought I was having seizures & the EEG said NO. So, they've continued to do testing, but once I had seen NINE physicians and Ben was diagnosed, I just said, "I don't have time to mess with this anymore." The "episodes" have continued to effect me, but I've done my best to ignore it. On Monday, my body said I couldn't ignore it. I was so nauseated & sick that I couldn't move either. So, I wasn't much help to Ben on Monday. I was eventually able to get on line and do some reasearch to try to figure out what could be going on...I think I may have figured some of it out & I ordered some supplements from a doctor out here. I got them Monday night and haven't had any episodes since...Praise the Lord!!! So, now it's back to Ben!!

Anyway, he woke up this morning feeling much better! Thank you, Jesus! Just in time for some Turkey, huh?

So, everyone enjoy turkey today! I am most grateful for my precious husband today and our Heavenly Father that gives us strength to fight this battle!! Give your family an extra hug today...


Allie said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Glad Ben is feeling better. Lindsi's wedding is VERY small....only her immediate family and ME :) And yes, I will see you on the 16th.

Anonymous said...

Ben and Meredith:

I'm glad you are starting to feel better after the he-man tree cutting thing. Great you were able to have some turkey and dressing. We all had a nice thanksgiving at my house. We spent the day putting up Christmas lights on the house after lunch. We all wanted to take a nap but James was determined to put the lights up so he didn't have to do it on Friday. He took off hunting in West Texas Friday with my 12- year old, Houston.

God is so good to us and I am really thankful for my family and friends.

I wanted to ask you two to pray for a friend of mine. Her name is Donna and she was just diagnosed with breast cancer (she is 40) and they are finding cancer throughout her body. Her PET scan showed a tumor on an ovary and a few other places. She is holding up however her husband kicked her out of their home after 20+ years of marriage. He is a very bad drinker and has had a lot of problems. She is working as a nurse the night shifts, but she is very sick.

I know you guys will pray for her and her children. She has a 12 year old daughter and a 20 year old son in college. Her husband needs salvation.

I love you guys and I hope to see you soon!

God please watch over Ben and Meredith. Lord I pray that Ben have a wonderful week and that he gets his strength back. Pull Ben into your rest Lord and may he sleep peacefully. May this beautiful couple know that these days are the best days of their lives. These days are hard days Lord but you are in control of even the hard days. You want an intimate relationship with them Lord and I know they desire the same. Fill their hearts with your joy I pray in Jesus precious name.

We love you Jesus...Amen

Love in Christ,