Monday, November 06, 2006


You are all absolutely wonderful!!


When Ben got home tonight, he had 45 e-mails!!! He has since received another 15+!! We are overwhelmed with how precious you have all been!

When he walked in the door, he immediately laid down & took a nap. He felt awful. When he woke up, he had his favorite meal waiting for him: grilled chicken, green peas, & Uncle Ben's Wild Rice!! Followed by a cookie cake!! I think it made him feel better. ; )

Then, we had a sweet friend stop by & bring homemade chocolate chip cookies & balloons! So fun & encouraging!!

He is now finishing a term paper that is due tomorrow. It is for his virology class & he's writing it about the Epstein-Barr Virus (a.k.a. mono)! Anyway, through his research we have learned that EBV can cause Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Ben has no family history of cancer & so we learned that there are many viruses that can cause cancer. Sure enough Epstein-Barr is one of them. So, Ben is truly enjoying this class as so much of it is applicable to what he is experiencing!!

Again, thank you so much for loving on Ben, he has been so encouraged!!

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