Friday, October 13, 2006

Is it really Friday?

Wow! It's hard to believe that the weekend is almost here. We have had a crazy, yet fun week. Ben is a superstar & had moved almost all of the house over. We had about eight big pieces of furniture & then a garage full of stuff remaining. So, on Wednesday night, the guys from our ABF (Sunday School) came over to help us move! Wow! What a precious group of guys! Can I call guys precious? Anyway, they have a growth group that meets on Wednesday nights, so instead of that, they came and helped us. I think the Lord received more glory from them coming to serve us than they might have sitting in a circle just studying God's word...they were doers of His Word! Romans 2:13 Way to live out your faith guys! Thank you! We can't begin to put in to words what a blessing they were and are to us.

We also had two of our friends that I mentioned in the blog on Tuesday, come & help us, Collin & April! They were such troopers. We had some furniture that we were going to put in a garage sale & so we needed to take it to Mom's house. When we got there, I realized that I didn't have my garage door opener...yikes! So, Collin & April helped me as we tried to break into Mom's house (we couldn't do it). I guess it's good to know that we would all be bad crooks!! Anyway, Ben came over & did a drive-by garage open!! Then, we loaded up a piece of furniture from Mom's house that we were going to put in the new house. We arrived at the new house about the time I realized that Ben also had the opener for that house, too! Lovely!! So, they were amazing being patient with my forgetfulness!! Mom told me that April even went back over to the old house & packed up most of our pantry for us! Such servant's hearts!

Wow! We have truly felt hugs from the Lord through all of these precious couples serving the Lord by helping us move! Thank you for being the arms of our Lord!!!

So, the movers came on Thursday morning (originally scheduled for Friday, today) & so Mom went over to our house to show them the few remaining things like a bird bath, Ben's grill, & some pictures still on the walls. Mom apparently picked up the bill there & so we feel so blessed that we've been able to save so much money through this process! Thank you all for the roll that you've played in this. Even those of you that are far away and couldn't be here, we know you were praying for God's provision for us! He heard your prayers!!!! Thank you so much!!

Here we are on Friday trying to finish the job. I am taking the day off & Ben's one class today is taking a test that his professor is allowing him to do next week. So, we are both here trying to get the house set up! We are about to leave to head to the old house & empty all of the remaining closets, cabinets, etc. I have a feeling it's going to take longer than anticipated!! It will be fun to get to hang with my hubby, though!

Thank you all so much for your prayers for us! You are each so precious to our hearts! Thank you, thank you. May "the Lord turn his countenance upon you & give you peace" numbers 6:26

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