Monday, October 09, 2006

Oh what a day!!

Well, I intend for this post to be short as it has been a long day and it is late. I am still trying to finish all of my work on one computer while I try to get this done on the other. Craziness! We went to the oncologist today. He said that he wasn't worried at all about Ben's pulmonary function test. He felt that the possible asthma was too minor to mention. Ben feels great. He says he actually feels better than he did prior to his diagnosis. He has been taking quite a few supplements & vitamins and he's been working out quite a bit, too! So, he feels good!

The doc, of course, told us that we could not put off chemo to try these supplements that we have found. He has told us that Ben can take the supplement while doing chemo. So, we have a lot of praying to do. Our prayer is for God's wisdom & peace about our decision. We just want to follow His leading! We have a lot of praying to do this week!

Ben's first chemo appt. was moved to Oct. 20th. That is the Friday that his parents get in town. So, hopefully, he will feel great.

Also, we are still in the process of moving and getting the house packed. We are trying to take as much over each night as possible so that we don't have to pay movers. We're trying to $$$ave$$$ave$$$ave!!

As a quick side note: I am losing my hair like crazy. Ben even noticed a difference in my scalp today. I don't know if this is thyroid, stress (what stress?), etc. related, but it would be nice to figure it out so that I have some hair left.

Thank you all for your prayers! We have a dear friend in Houston that is at 35 1/2 weeks pregnant and she went into labor at 34 wks. She was hospitalized for a few days and now she is at home with a pump to get her as far along as possible. So, please pray that Baby Claire would hold on as long as possible and that she would be as healthy as can be!!

Your prayers are so precious to us! Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you and guide you to our site each day!

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